Mystic Light Channel

Maree Zenner





Welcome to my upgraded website

I am excited to bring two new services to my business.The first is creating and facilitating beautiful and magical celebrations to honour those who have transitioned, whilst providing nurturing support and an added spiritual insight..The second is supporting and honouring children through homeschooling, tutoring and spiritual awareness and discovery.

Hi, I’m Maree

I have extended my business to once again include end and beginning of life celebrations.

I bring my abilities, experience and qualifications as a funeral and life celebrant, a psychic medium, a loss and grief counsellor, a spirit channel and meditation facilitator to bring a new dimensional consciousness to this role.

My love of supporting people through Mediumship Readings is always a highlight of my work as is my channeling of Divine Angelic Light Beings and Masters which brings forth such amazing messages and guidance. My meditation groups are expanding through our online forums which has been exciting to connect with people from far and wide.

I am starting  a new children’s developmental program  to support families and children in various ways during home schooling in particular, through private mentoring and working in small groups.

I am so excited to share my skills and love of connecting with Spirit with you all.

Services I Provide

Life Celebrations

Providing beginning and end of life celebrations with a difference.

Honouring the person in a unique way, with a respectful blend of joy and wonderful connection.

For end of life, this can also be a suitable time after a private burial or cremation when a celebratory gathering with an added spiritual aspect is desired. It is not rushed and the family can spend quality time planning in a gentle, more relaxed way as they also practice their own self care.

I offer support and connection to individuals and the whole family over the next few months as their awareness of their own personal loss and grief arises.

Spiritual Connection

Individual mediumship readings, connecting with loved ones or guidance in Spirit and providing insightful support. Also in larger groups for Crossing Over gatherings

Channeling of Spirit – angels, guides, ascended masters, star beings within a sacred and meditation space.

Meditation groups and Spiritual Development Sessions are available. Intuitive Art Workshops for all ages will begin again when applicable..

Individual Reiki healing in person or via distance is always available,.

Honouring Children

Many parents have now chosen home schooling their children and I would love to be of service in supporting them and their children in a more relaxed and interesting way of learning. Their self discovery is the bridge to future pathways.

I will provide individual one on one tutoring/mentoring/support for a school aged child and will also  working with small groups for home schooling options.

Meditation and relaxation sessions available for children and parents.

I foster recognition, acceptance and love of self as they expand their awareness and consciousness to appreciate all.

I am also starting a new program for star children.


"Maree is an amazing channel and a great example of an aware spiritual being having a 3D experience. I first met Maree over 20 years ago when she came as a Loss and Grief Counsellor to work in the Therapy Centre I co-managed. She has many, many gifts and strengths. She loves people, getting to know their stories and their journey. She is good with people of all ages and walks of life. I have felt her love for the children she has worked with. I have felt her joy at the birth of my grandchildren and her interest in their development. I have felt her empathy for her bereaved friends. I have enjoyed her artwork, her writing and her desire to be of service to people.. I have received her nurturing guidance in discovering and experiencing a spiritual connection with my guides and loved ones who have passed. Thank You Thank you "


Margaret A of Victoria


"Thank you Maree. Your channeling and meditations bring me so much comfort and joy and assistance during these times of uncertainty. I love the wonderful messages from your team of angels, archangels and Masters. Your connection with the Federation of Light brings so much guidance. Thank you. "



Maggie B.- Macedon

” Wise and loving words from both Maree and Archangel Gabriel. Such a strong message.”

P.M. of Country Victoria


“Amazing Light Language Maree. It penetrates right into my heart. “

Ms M.H. Melbourne


” Maree’s message was so amazing and uplifting. Such a powerful channeling.”

Cathy of  West Melbourne


“Maree’s channeling reflects the depth of her skill, connection and integrity. A very special experience and connection.”

Ms T. of Woodend Victoria

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